Volunteer At The Shelter
Any Help Is Appreciated
We especially need volunteers experienced in carpentry and anyone who is all-around handy, but we can also use plumbers, electricians, groomers, veterinarians and all animal lovers. Please call 305-621-8354 and leave a message if you wish to help us fix-up some things around the shelter.Please remember that you must be at least 16-years old to volunteer. Obviously, you should wear old clothes because you may get dirty. Feel free to bring food and beverages. We have a refrigerator so that your food and drinks will stay cool.
If you know someone who needs to satisfy community service hours, we may be able to help in return for volunteer time at the shelter. Call 305-621-8354 to leave a message and we'll get back to you and try to work out an equitable arrangement.
For more information, visit the Volunteer page on the website.