Pet Parade A Great Success - UPDATE
Originally posted March 19th, 2007MIAMI LAKES, March 18th, 2007 - The 5th Annual Lucky Charms Pet Parade was a terrific success. Scores of booths, hundreds of dogs and many times that number of people gathered in the park to strut their stuff around the lake.
Pictures of the parade are available on-line. To make them easily accessible, the quality and sizes of the images have been decreased to make the transfer more quickly of the web. If you find a picture you really like, let us know and we can e-mail you the original, high-quality, full-size (1200x1600) image. All we ask is that in return is for you to make a donation to Pet Rescue. Whatever you think is a just amount is just fine with us.
You can see all our photos of the Pet Parade right now on Google's Picasaweb. To see the pictures on our Picasaweb gallery you can click here.
The Florida Pet Book has an article and pictures available online of the Pet Parade! You can see their photos by clicking here.
Professional photographer Stephen Wolter has posted his pictures of the Pet Parade too. You can see them here on his website.
1 Comment:
You have such nice photos, thank you for sharing them
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