Thursday, May 17, 2007

DART Training

Disaster Animal Response Team (DART) Training

Volunteers will be in Tallahassee to attend the DART training this weekend [5/17-5/20/2007]. The seminar starts Friday evening and runs through Sunday. It offers an introduction to helping pets and livestock caught in hurricanes, floods, wildfire, and toxic-substance spills. Some of the many topics covered include the incident command system for managing disasters; disaster planning for communities, animal facilities and individuals; large- and small-animal handling; communications; legal issues; emergency pet sheltering; and a demonstration of animal-catching equipment at 1 p.m. Sunday. Tuition is $75 and includes a comprehensive notebook, a CD-ROM packed with reference materials, and some meals during the training. Class size is limited to the first 40 paid registrants.

For more information, go to